Happy Memorial Day Friends!! I hope you are all having a beautiful day! It's nice and sunny here in Southern California. . .it's a pretty day! What are you all doing today? It's a mellow day for us. . .just a nice day of relaxation.
I recently bought a few Spellbinder Shapeabilities the other day and I decided to use it. I think they're so pretty so I decided to use it on my card. One of my goals is to use my Stampin Up stamps at least twice. . .LOL! There are a few that I haven't inked since buying them or I haven't used them a long time so I decided to work on a few cards using my SU stamps.
With this card, I used the SU "A Happy Heart" stamp set. The card looks busy but it was actually a really fast card to make. I'm kinda liking not having to color an image.
With this card I used the SU "Embrace Life" stamp set and one of the Spellbinders Borderbilities that I bought. The scallop cut around my main panel is a file that I created. . .you can download it for free: Click Here for the SVG, GSD, SCUT or DXF file
I decided to create a digi sentiment for this card. I wanted a sentiment that was spiritual but still has multi-use. The sentiment is actually referring to Jesus Christ. It's a song lyric from one of my favorite Christian bands "Kutless". But. . .it can also refer to a love one. . .
Update *** I had to delete the digi sentiment. . .I spelled "weakness" incorrectly! LOL!!! I'll reload it when I fix it. Thank you Donna for letting me know!!
Second Update *** I reloaded the change. . .darn it! Now I have to fix my card! Ugggh!
Here is the free digi sentiment.
To download the JPEG file, Click on the image To download the PNG file, Click Here
That's basically it for today! I hope y'all have a beautiful day!
Hello Friends! Happy Memorial Day weekend to all of you! Well, it's a nice weekend so far. . .nice and sunny here in California! Traffic is pretty good too. . .why? Everyone headed out of the state, probably all are headed to Vegas! LOL! What are your plans for this weekend? We're probably going to BBQ on Memorial Day. I wish we had the beach closer by. . .in Hawaii, where I'm originally from. . .everyone heads to the beach and bring their hibachi (Japanese style portable grill) with them. . .unfortunately, where I live, the beach is like going on a road trip. . .it's about a 60 mile drive. Besides, I think we'd be the only people with our hibachi. . .I don't think it's even allowed at the beaches here in California. I'm not sure, we've never tried it.
Okay before I explain the challenge for this week. . .let me recap the players of last week's challenge!! It's always wonderful to see someone playing along. Thank you ladies for playing along in my weekly challenge!!
30 Minute Card Challenge. The challenge is to create a card within 30 minutes. There's no particular theme. Create your card any way you want to. For some, this challenge is very difficult. The key is to envision how your card will already look in your head before you start to create your card. I use an egg timer to give myself a set time to make a card. I really hate when the timer rings. . .it startles me so I try to work quickly and not get distracted. I usually work more efficiently when I use my egg timer.
Okay, here are the rules:
1. Other than your card/project base, the face of your card MUST be created using ONLY designer paper and card stock from your scrap pile. Do not cut up any new card stock or designer paper. This rule also applies to 3D projects such boxes, bags, etc.
2. Embellishments added to your card MUST be from "opened" packages. Do not open up a new package or roll of ribbon, brads, buttons, etc.
This card was actually a quick an easy card and I did create it within 30 minutes. I used materials that I already had visible around my craft table so I didn't waste my time searching for things. I used my Stampin Up stamp set "A Happy Heart".
I used my Nestabilites die and added the embellishments. That's about it. Quick and simple!!
You're like. . .how could you have created your card within 30 minutes? Well, I already had premade a few ribbon flowers a few days ago so my card was all about sticking the scrapbook embellishments to the card and that's about it. The "notes" panel is from a very old Stampin Up scrap kit that I've had FOREVER! I still have a few stickers left of this scrap kit. My goal is to hopefully use it all some time this year! LOL! For the tutorial to the "ribbon flower": Click Here
Well, I hope you'll play along with me this week. Together, we can get our scrap pile to a reasonable amount and where it's not pouring over and taking up a lot of space in our already over crowded craft room! Ahhh, wouldn't that be wonderful!
Hope y'all have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!!
Link your beautiful card below! Thank you for playing along in the SPS challenge this week!!
Hello Friends!! Wow, it's Friday again. . .Yay! How wonderful is that? I hope y'all are having a blessed Friday filled with happiness. Friday is always a good day isn't it? Well, there's another reason why it's good. . .it's good because it's Christmas Stampin All Year Long challenge time again. Well we're hitting the 6 month mark next week and that means it'll be less that 6 months before it's Christmas again. My Christmas card and gift set challenges are slowly increasing. If anything, I know I'll be set with my Christmas projects for this year. I'm really happy about that!!!
Well this week's challenge is a color challenge "Chocolate and Roses" meaning "brown and pink". I'm really diggin' this color combo for Christmas. . .it has a romantic feel to it!! Be sure to stop by Christmas Stampin All Year Long and check out all the pretty cards the design team created!!
I posted a "Fancy Scallop Corner" file yesterday. . .I also created two other files that are similar, one a square and the other a triangle shape. I used the files for my card. Now that I look at my card, I wish I raised the triangle shaped cut a little and layered it slightly over the brown square cut. Maybe I'll use the files again and do it that way.
I'm sorry . . I can't tell you the company name of the digi stamp that I used. I purchased the digi stamp a while ago and I forgot to label the file by the company's name. I need to look for it online. I colored the image using my Copic Markers then added glitter to parts of the image.
Okay. . .hope you'll play along in the Christmas Stampin All Year challenge. We would love to have more people play along.
Here are the SVG, GSD, SCUT and I also added the DXF files for those who use the Pazzle. I need to go back to my other files and add the different files. I just recently figured out how to convert the different files to the various formats. . .I'm learning slowly! One day, I'll actually get good at this. . .:)
To download the SCUT file, Click on the image To download the SVG file, Click Here To download the DXF file, Click Here To download the GSD file,Click Here
To download the SCUT file, Click on the image To download the SVG file, Click Here To download the DXF file, Click Here To download the GSD file, Click Here
Hope y'all have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!!!
Hello Friends!! Hey. . .today is Pink Cat Studio'srelease of these two cute digi images. You get a free digi with your purchase today. . .but only today so be sure not to miss out on the freebie!! Aren't the images beautiful. I love them! I had so much fun creating cards with these images. Be sure to stop by the Pink Cat Studio Blog and check out the gorgeous cards the design team created!!!
Okay. . this is going to be a really long post so I'll make the commentary short. . .:) For the scallop flower shape around the image on my first card, Click Here for the SVG, SCUT, or GSD file.
I actually created a similar multi-flap pocket card using last week's release. I really had fun with card so I decided to create another card.
This is the card opened up with the insert inside the pocket. I created a SVG, SCUT, GSD file for this pocket card. Click Here for the files.
With this card, I created the SVG, SCUT, GSD file for the fancy scallop corner shape. I actually created different shapes using the same scallop design but I'll post it tomorrow. Scroll down for the file. Isn't the birdie pretty. I loved coloring the different birds in different colors. You'll have fun coloring the images too!!!
I creaed a ribbon flower . . .I posted the quickie tutorial below:
Ribbon Flower Tutorial
Punch a card stock with a circle punch and apply fabric glue or double/tacky stick tape.
Adhere the end of the ribbon to approximately 1/4" edge of the circle
Apply a small amount of fabric glue or tacky tape to part of the ribbon and fold the ribbon over the adhered part of the ribbon.
Continue the step all the way around the circle.
This is the finished flower ribbon. You may add another layer of ribbon if you used a larger circle punch. Repeat the steps above.
Adhere a prima flower over the ribbon flower. The 2 right flowers actually have two layers with the second layer closer to the center. It creates a more puffy looking riboon flower.
Here is the SVG, SCUT, and GSD file:
To download the SCUT file, Click on the image To download the SVG file, Click Here To download the GSD file, Click Here
Anyway. . .that's it for today. . .:) Hope y'all have a wonderful Thursday!!
Hello Friends! Yay a post!. . .and you thought I wasn't going to post anything today! Well, I was suppose to post this earlier in the day but my allergies struck and well. . .my life is dictated how bad my allergies are. I took a Claritin earlier today and for the first few hours, I felt a little weird then it wears off a little and life is all good.
I decided to work on a few graduation cards pronto before everyone graduates and I'll be too late to actually give them out. I decided to use myscrapchick.com Merry & Berry file because it has a graduation outfit which is perfect for graduation cards and scrapbook layouts. I created a scrapbook layout with this file sometime last week. . .this time around I decided to work on cards.
The bear is actually a non-gender bear. . .depending on how you decorate the rest of the card, it can work for both girls and boys. My designer paper has flowers so I guess the cards will be for girl graduates! LOL! I didn't think about it until after I created the card.
Look at the bear! Isn't he/she cute? I shaded the bear with pastels and drew in the freckles and mouth area of the bear. It's a fun shape for all your graduation cards and projects.
Do you see the round decorative border with the ribbon? I used the myscrapchick.com "$1 Border Strips" file. . .there are 6 different borders all for a dollar! How cool is that? What I did was resize the file to 1.35 x 5" and inserted ribbons through the holes. I love how it turned out! You can do that too. . .there's actually different possibilities with the different border strips. I'll share another one some time this week.
Anyway. .. I'm a bit behind on my crafting this week because of my darn allergies. I really am a bit disappointed that my allergies returned. I didn't have too many attacks the past few weeks but the past few days, it returned and at this point, I really don't know what triggered them. I'm beginning to think I'm allergic to everything. Sorry. . .I'll stop whining now. Tomorrow will be a better day!
I hope you all are having a wonderful and blessed Wednesday!!
Hello Friends!! It's Tuesday and that means it's Little C's Challenge time again! Stop by the Little C's challenge site and play along! There's a prize to be given out for the winner! Whoohoo! I decided to use my TGF stamp to create this card. You can find the Greeting Farm stamps at Little C's. . .Jen is selling all her rubber stamps at 40% (not including the grab bag stamps). Use this code "GoodBuy40" when checking out to receive your 40% discount. The grab bag stamps will need to be purchased separately.
This week's challenge is a sketch challenge. It was a simple sketch and a fun one too! Yay! Be sure to stop by Jen's and Mackenzie's blogs to check out their sample for this week's challenge!
I actually colored this girlie a while ago but haven't had a chance to use it. I thought this was a nice time to create a card with it. Do you see the big bow? A few days ago. . I went on an adventure in my garage. I store a lot of my crafty stuff in containers in the garage. . .ones that I really don't use.
Well, a few years ago, I bought a butt load of ribbons from Ebay that were a mixed lot. Many of the ribbons were wide . . I picked out the ones that I wanted to use and stored the rest in a container. Well. . .lo' and behold, as I was looking through the ribbon container, I found a bunch of pretty ribbons that today, are perfect for my cards. In the past I used 1/4" ribbons but now, I use more of the wider ribbons and the ribbons in the container were like a gold mine! Wow, lots of pretty ribbons. I'm so glad I kept them and did not resell them on Ebay. I can't wait to use the ribbons on my card!!
I colored my image with my copic markers. I cut the flower shape on my Cricut using an SVG file that I created. I have a lot of flower files but I wanted a specific one that matched the sketch for the challenge. I didn't have one so I created my own flower file. It's a 12 petal flower. It's a very simple flower but there's multiple use for it.
Here are the files in SVG, SCUT, and GSD. . .they're free. . .just sharing.
To download SCUT file, Click on the image To download theSVG file, Click Here To download the GSD file, Click Here
Well. . .hope you'll play along in the challenge! Hope you all have a beautiful Tuesday!!!
Hey, hey Friends! Happy Monday! How was your weekend? I had a pretty laid back weekend . . .as most weekends! I did a bit of crafting but not much. I don't craft much on the weekends. There's too many distractions so I try to get something done when I can.
I did manage to make this gift set using myscrapchick.com cutting files. I'm in love with the "Bigger Bag" files. The bags/box files are just so fun to use and create all sorts of different types of bags and boxes. My goal is to use them all at least once. . .:)
Whooooaaa! That's a big flower on your card, Maria! LOL! I know, it is huh? I guess it's the type of card that won't go in an envelope. . .it's possible but more like a packaging envelope. Despite how big it is, I like it on my card.
I created the flower using the "Flower Combo" files. I wish I had the time to create a tutorial of all the different flowers you can create with this files. I created quite a few handmade flowers and all very different. This file set is perfect because of the different flower shapes in this file.
Here is the matching bag using the "Bigger Bag" file set. With this bag I decided to create a purse by putting a lace handle. The flourishes on my card and bag design was created using the "$1 Simple Flourish" file. Isn't it pretty?
Here is a photo of the pretty flower again. Doesn't it look like a carnation? I'm also really into using lace lately. . .I have a bunch of them so don't be surprised to see more of my cards and projects using lace.
This weekend I was going through my craft containers that I store in the garage and looked through a bunch of my rubber stamps and I decided that some time this summer, I'm going to sell a few of them on Ebay. I kept them for so long because I have separation anxiety when it comes to my craft stuff! LOL! But as I was looking through trying to pick out stamps that I wanted to use, I just didn't have the same thrill that I once had when I first bought them. A lot of them are Stampin Up stamps. I just have way to many of them. I don't know. . .I have to think about it but yeah. . . .I don't love them as much as I once did. . . .so letting go may be something I need to do. Sounds like I'm breaking up a relationship! LOL! In some sense, it is, I suppose!
Anyway. . .that's it for today. I hope you all have a beautiful Monday!!!
Hi Friends!! I bought a bunch of dollar decorative post-it notes at Michaels. . .wow, a long time ago. I bought them with the purpose of creating covers for them but never got around to doing it. As I was going through a basket of craft stuff, I came across them and rather than just looking at them thinking I'll do something with them one day, I decided to finally work on creating the covers for them.
I was going to create a tutorial but I realized that the post-notes aren't the standard size post-it notes. They are a little bigger so I'll work on a tutorial on the standard sizes instead. The covers open up reveal the decorative post-it notes. I used the colors of the flowers to create the cover. I actually have more of these post-it notes but decided to post these two that I already made. I'm going to do something different with the others.
Do you see the images on the covers? Well, they're from the Stampin Up "Echoes of Kindness" Set. I bought the set I think 6 months ago and have never gotten around to using them. What's new, right? LOL! This time, rather than coloring with my Copic Markers, I decided to watercolor the images instead. I haven't watercolored for a long time. Do you see the white highlights? Well, I used white acrylic paint to create the highlights on the image. Acrylic paint works nicely to create highlights on your images. Try it out. . .:)
Anyway. .. that's it for today. I hope you all have a beautiful glorious Sunday!!
Hello Friends!! It's Scrap Pile Saturday Challenge time again!! I'm sorry I didn't post the challenge last week! I was busy cleaning my craft room and forgot to post it! This card was suppose to be last week's challenge but since I didn't post it, it's this week's challenge.
Before we begin with the challenge, I'd like to highlight the motivated and talented ladies who decided to play along withSPS Challenge #11. Check out the cute cards they created:
Just to let you know. . .if you want to play along and want to refer back to this challenge, at the top corner of my blog, click onSPS Challenges or at the top, before my posts, I also included a link. That's where all my Scrap Pile Saturday challenges are located.
Now to this week's challenge:
Hearts Challenge. The challenge is to create a card and apply at least 3 hearts shape to your card. It can be from chipboards, embellishments, stamped images, punched hearts, etc. The minimum is three hearts. Simple enough huh? Hope you'll play along this week!
Okay, here are the rules:
1. Other than your card/project base, the face of your card MUST be created using ONLY designer paper and card stock from your scrap pile. Do not cut up any new card stock or designer paper. This rule also applies to 3D projects such boxes, bags, etc.
2. Embellishments added to your card MUST be from "opened" packages. Do not open up a new package or roll of ribbon, brads, buttons, etc.
What inspired this challenge? Well, do you see the big heart? Well, I've had this heart chipboard for a long time and whenever I go through my scrap pile, I always come across it but I never was motivated to use it because of the size of the heart. Last week I decided to just use it.
I wanted a large scallop border for my card but all my scallop punches were small scallops so I decided to create my own scallop border. LOL! Hey. . .if you don't have it, find a way to get it. . .that's my philosophy. . .:) It helps that I can create my own files.
The stitches are hand drawn using my Sakura gel pen. I really should use my sewing machine more often but me and my sewing machine are not friendly with one another. It hates me. . .I wonder how I can get it to be nicer to me. It always gives me heartburn because it won't cooperate. Even a simple stitch is a huge undertaking. Me and my sewing machine need to settle our differences. LOL!
Okay here is the scallop border that I created. It's very simple and you probably already have a large scallop border but I didn't. I figured I'd share it anyway because not all of us have every cutting files available. Hey. . .I do know a few people have all the Cricut cartridges. That's a huge investment. . .not me, I think I only have 4 cartridges total. I prefer to create my own because I'm not rolling in a ton of dough. . .if you know what I mean. People like me have to find creative means to acquire things. . .:)
Please click on the appropriate file that works with your program and cutting machine.
Just to let you know. . .the SCUT file's width is 5". I created it at that size to accommodate my card but you can adjust it to any size you want. . .:).
Hope you'll play along this week! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Link your beautiful card below! Thank you for playing along in the SPS challenge this week!!