Pink Cat Studo Sweet Pea and March 2009 Sketch Compilation
Hello Friends! Happy Sunday to you all. Below I added "March 2009's Compilation of Sketches". . . go check it out! There was a time when I would compile all the sketches I created for each month and post it. I did that for the first year that I started creating sketches then I got lazy. I'm going to try to compile all of them and hopefully, finish them in a week or two. I have 2 years worth of sketches to compile. I'll post them as I finish them and they'll be located on my left side bar when I'm done. I've been really lazy about a lot of things. . . .one of which is creating tutorials.
I don't know. . .there was a time when I would go to bed thinking about the next tutorial I would create the next day. I really had a blast doing these tutorials but in the last year or so, I started to realize that I was doing them at the expense of other things.
Creating written or video tutorials can take hours at times to complete, from taking the pictures, uploading the photos, watermarking them, writing the written instructions, uploading to blogger. . .sometimes video tutorials would take longer because a lot of editing has to be done to create a short video.
Unfortunately, as time went on, I realized I did these tutorial at the expense of my family time and personal endeavors. I'm not sure what motivated me to spend so many hours creating these tutorials. One reason was I actually love sharing them. I would get excited about a project and I wanted you all to try it out. It would be much easier if I was able to show you in person but oh, well. . that is not the way the world turns in blog land. LOL!
Anyway. . .after a while, I started to burn out. . .I wanted to do other things and spend time with my family. . .something had to go! LOL! Now, I only create tutorials when I can actually find the time without sacrificing other things. I hope you are not greatly disappointed that I no longer create tutorials regularly. I still want to do them but I can no longer do them like I did in the past. That's not true, I can but I don't want to. LOL! I want to spend time with my family more.Just a little info on this card. How many of you have the Copic Airbrush system? Well, I've had it for over a year and have never even opened the box. Yesterday, I decided to try it out. It was quite interesting . . .the results are really pretty but you can achieve the same results by layering your colors as I did to my oval background on this card I made.
I still need a bit of practice with the airbrush system. Hopefully, I'll get the hang of it and I'll show you the results in future cards!!
This image is from the Pink Cat Studio Sweet Pea Dress Up set that was released in March. Isn't he a cutie or what? Do you see the wire works for the antenna. Well, I had added it after I had accidentally cut the antenna when I was trying to cut around it. Rather than starting over, I decided to add the wires and buttons. I hate starting over on anything! LOL!
Card Details:
It is so time consuming to do tutorials. So understandable that you'd want to spend time with your family and such!
Adorable card!! and thanks for compiling your sketches. You know I love them!
I luv your card Maria, as always the color combos are so beautiful & so cheerful! I luv the butttons & wire on the antenna's!
I always said that family should come first above anything else. My kids are grown & I don't get to see them much anymore so I tell everyone to enjoy their kids cause they grow & move away too darn fast! Blogging & stamping are my hobbies & I really enjoy all the friends I've made & cherish each & every one of you! So enjoy your family & life first, we will always be here when you post. Luv ya...hugs
Oh Honey, i know what you mean about tutorials being time consuming...heck it's just time consuming to upload our cards! LOL...
Your card is SOOOOOOO adorable!!! I've been curious about the airbrush system...did you buy the air can kind or the compressor? I'm not very clear on what does what...
Thanks for sharing you awesome and amazing talent, Maria...don't you worry about anything...I'm so grateful just to see a pic of your cards...not to mention ALL the rest you do!!! Thanks for EVERYTHING!!! {{HUGS}}
Maria, I know how tutorial are time consuming for making some at one point and I decide I could not put that much time on that anymore too. So I understand very well what you mean and I'm still visiting you :) Have a wonderful day and this stamp set is so fun and cute to play with!
Maria, I totally understand how long it takes to do tutorials, that's probably why I don't do them very often at all. I'd rather stamp if I have free time ;)
Love the purple and blues in this adorable card!!! The airbrushed background looks so pretty...may someday invest it it...but for stuff will be white
TFS! Off to check out what you have been up's been a busy weekend!
Maria your cards are beautiful and your tutorials are wonderful but not at the expense of your family. =0) Do them when and if you can and only then, I just love to see your newest creations. =0) Hugs~
This is a beautiful card, Maria! That little baby is so cute and your coloring is fantastic! I can't wait to see more of the airbrushing and hear your opinion on it - I haven't taken the plunge on that one yet, so I'm definitely curious!
Oh that baby is the sweetest. Love your details, and colors. Hugs Cindy
Hello Maria,
what a sweet motif and a magical map.
Doris xx
HI Maria, I too got tired of doing the tutorials, evening tho' I loved doing it, and boy I got tired of doing it pretty quick.... LOL... and you're right, it was the expense of all those closes to us.... anyways, just do it whenever, either way - you always create and share with all your heart, and that's all that matters. Thanks for being a GREAT asset to the blogging world.
Oh wait, I forgot to say that I LOVE this stamp set, and I love seeing whatever you create with it. I really wanna get this set... soon. But gotta pay off my debt first. LOL!!!
Sweet Pea is so cute and the wire antenna's are fantastic!!! I hate it when I mess up on my cards, especially right at the end! Great save Maria.
I agree with you comes first. In a matter of months, your daughter will be off to college, so try to get all the quality time in that you can. Memories like that are priceless:)
heeheehee! This is Super cute Maria. The details are sublime. 2 years of sketches!!! What a goldmine! I hear you about the tutorials. They take forever and I wonder sometimes if they are wasting people time (which would mean they're wasting mine too. LOL) You always seem to pick exactly what needs explaining & you do such a gorgeous job. Just looking at your amazing cards is like a tutorial in itself! :O)
They are for sure a lot of work.
Great card Maria
I really love your tutorials, Maria! But I know and understand what you feel...
Your card is so cute! I really love this stamp set!
I don't really know anything about Copics (don't have them...) but I think you always do fantastic job with them!
I love this card! what a great idea to make the bee into a butterfly!!! The colors are incredible and the sparkles and wire and button attenae are amazing! Why can't I make these kind of fantastic mistakes!!!!!!
I love your tutorials but I can see what you mean. It is hard to balance family time and stamp time. But family time is much more worth it!
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