Pink Cat Studio Release, Heart Shaped Window Card Tutorial and European Trip - London Shopping
Hello Friends! I was suppose to post this earlier today but well, life don't always work out the way you want it. You know, I was beginning to feel a bit defeated because I'm a bit behind on everything. I had this grand plan to start off the year on top of things and well, I got sick and it took longer to recover than I had expected. But. . .on the brighter side, maybe it's meant to be. . .and everything after this will be wonderful.
I have a tutorial for you today. . .yup, I am trying to stick to my resolution on creating video tutorials more often. I'm getting better at creating the video. . .it's always hard learning a new computer program but as I go through the process, it's getting so much easier! Hooray for that!!! Now, if only it could upload to YouTube a lot faster everything would be perfect. . .:) LOL! Patience, Maria . . .I do have to learn to be more patient. I always want things to happen instantaneously which you all know is a ridiculous thing to expect.
Okay. . .now let's get down to the fun stuff! Guess what today is? Well, today is the release of Pink Cat Studio's digital images, which by the way is every Thursday. New stuff each week, how fun, huh!! I love seeing what's in store at Pink Cat Studio each week. It's always something cuuuute. . .and this week is no exception!!I decided to create a heart shaped card with a heart shaped window! Scroll down for the template. Click on the template photo and right click your mouse and "save as" to you computer file. Store it as a picture file. When you are ready to print it, open up a new "Word document" and insert the file to your page. Resize the template as desired. To resize click on the photo on Word and drag the corners to the size you want. I resized my template to measure 5.5 x 5.5" because I wanted my card to measure that size.
Melissa of Pink Cat Studio created background images as well which I used to create the heart on the inner panel of the card. I colored the background image by using the same technique that I used to color the images on my previous post. Click Here for the Tutorial.I also created a video on the process of creating this heart shaped card if you care to check it out!! I colored my image with my Copic Markers and added a few dots using Scribbles Iridescent Paint. I also embossed the front of my card using Stampin Up's textured template to create the dot texture. I don't think you can see the embossing too well in the picture.
Anyway. .. check out the video and see how I created this card.

Be sure to stop by Pink Cat Studio and check out all the cute images they have to offer. The Pink Cat Studio design team also created such awesome cards and projects for this release, be sure to check them out!
Alicia Weiman
Emily Leiphart
Inge Groot
Kerry Donovan-Casey
Kristen Catalano
MacKenzie Bruckler
Maria Bell
Suzanne J Dean
Tracey Cuccia
Tori Hemmingway
Vicki Garret

Here is a little advise when you travel to Europe. Don't dress like an American! LOL! Why? Well, you'll stick out like a sore thumb. At our hotel, there were ladies in their pink sweat pants and sweat shirt, white jogging shoes, with their colorful ski jackets. I'm sorry, their outfit SCREAMED "tourist" and "pick my pocket"! I have nothing against sweat pants and shirts. .. not at all, I wear them all the time. . .at home! In winter, it seems, Europeans wear only 3 colors, black, grey, and brown. LOL!
What's wrong with looking like a tourist? Well, one thing you have to be conscientious of. . .safety. Our tour guides kept reminding us that Europe is notorious for pick pocketers and if you look like a tourist, they will target you immediately. Another thing is if you dress rather shabby, many Europeans are not ashamed to deny you service. It's an assumption that if you dress shabby, you're, how shall I say this. . .. cheap. Forget the concept of "customers come first". LOL! It doesn't apply to all stores and restaurants. . .but many European shop owners are not shy about denying you service or literally kicking you out of their store. It happened to one of our group members when we were in Italy. . .I mean, literally shoved them out of the store!
Some of the members of our tour group were ignored at a bar that they were hanging out at when we were in Switzerland. Why? Because they wanted to share their drinks and I guess the waitress felt they couldn't afford the prices. Switzerland is a whole other story. I cannot even begin to tell you how EXPENSIVE the restaurants and bar prices were. I'll save the story when I get to my "Switzerland post". LOL!

Anyway. . .hope you like my commentary of my trip today! LOL! Please keep in mind, what I wrote are primarily my observations and some of them are information that I learned from our tour guide and not necessarily hard facts. Okay. . .I better end it here. I hope you all have a beautiful Thursday!

Love your projects today Maria -- that heart shaped card is so cute with the pink panda, and your fairies card even cuter...and I LOVE the photos you shared! Someday I hope to be brave enough to travel over the Atlantic... :)
Gorgeous card Maria, I just love the image of that bear. Loved your video, great job. :).
Well your pictures of your trip is just fabulous, and you were smart to investigate what there were wearing this time of the year.
Beautiful card Maria. I love your tutorial. You are doing great!! Your European trip stories are so interesting to read. How fun to see it through your eyes. Wonderful pictures too. Glad to hear that you are feeling a little better.
xoxo, Christine
Love your cards. Would love to have the recipe for them.
Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Cute Maria! That Pixie card is to die for!
Maria, I love all the pink in your cards!! That pink panda is fabulous and I never would've thought to do that. Wonderful work as always and I loved reading about your 'shopping' experiences in London. You are so right, Europeans love to look good and it's more about quality than quantity.
Super Pink-a-licious projects Maria--so cute, love them both! I'm so envious of your trip to Europe--that is my dream trip one day! Looks like you had a blast!
WOW!! Ive missed sooooo much! Love your new cards that are full of intricate details, beauty and vibrant color!! The new blog look totally ROCKS!!!! I LOVE IT! Your EUROPEAN TRIP STORIES ARE fun to read and hear about. I picture you there and can imagine you doing all these things with your daughter and DH. Its sure BRINGING BACK MANY Europe MEMORIES for me too. Thank you for sharing these and for always inspiring me with your awesome work GF! YOU ARE THE BOMB!!!
Love your creativity, but also love your travel stories. Good to know they have Burger King now in Belgium. I moved away 4,5 years ago and this must be new. I know why the Belgians love it; the burgers are of a decent size, unlike Quick and McDo in Belgium. It's very interesting to read what you think of Europe. And yes, I find the UK expensive to live in. Depends probably what you do for a living over here. If you're a banker these days... you could afford anything :)
Your projects are Gorgeous Maria!!...and I so enjoyed the travel story and photos. Thanks for sharing..especially these wonderful tips about clothing and such!!...Hugs, Ila
I came by your blog by surfinfg for a pocketcard-idea and like the cards and things you make.
Nice to read about your trip to Europe,a pity that you did not went into Harrod, it's a bit Egyptian inside and there is a memorial for Princess Diana and Dodi.
I did not buy anything tooo, because the pound was to high for the Dutch guildar (before the euro-time started)
You have some beatiful cards and seem so talented. You need to make more videos on your cards cause they are beautiful! And I know everyone would like to see a lot more from you. Michelle
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