Pink Cat Studio Digi Release, In Memory of Henry, and Tall, Cupcakes, and Keepsake Boxes Tutorial
This week has been a very sad one as DT member Sarah Anderson’s 3 year old son Henry passed away. Little Henry was unable to overcome a virus that made him ill last week.
Lorie Ames has organized a way to donate for a memorial for Henry. Henry loved his local zoo and visited it almost every day in the summer. As a memorial, trees will be planted there in his honor. Melissa at Pink Cat Studio has created a digital stamp to help raise funds for a tree for Henry. All proceeds from the sale of the digi stamp, minus Paypal costs, will go towards the tree. If you would like to donate towards the tree, please visit this webpage to purchase the digi stamp:
Another way to donate to the memorial is to print out this form and mail in your donation directly:
Please write on the form that the donation is for Sarah Anderson’s son Henry. Once all of the money is collected, a tree and location will be selected. If you have questions about the form please contact Lorie Ames. Lorie will be in contact with Sarah along this memorial journey to ensure that her wishes are followed.To contact Lorie, please visit her blog at
If you don’t know Sarah and would like to learn more about her, please visit her blog: Thank you for your help to raise money for a tree for Henry.
Today is Pink Cat Studio's release of new digi stamps! Whoohoo! I decided to create a series of boxes for this release and created a tutorial for all 3 boxes. Yup, all three! Whoohoo. Actually, the boxes are basically the same box but the height differs and 2 of the boxes have windows.
Scroll down for the tutorial. . .it'll show you how easy it is to create different size boxes using basically the same steps! I love easy! LOL!The box is a tall box measuring 3.75 x 7.75" . . .perfect for stuffing a lot of goodies into it. I used "Lily Rides a Polar Bear" image for this project. She sure looks like she is having a grand time, huh? Just to let you know. . .I colored all the images using my Copic Markers. I won't be posting the recipe for the cards and projects because it'll make my post way too long. If you want information on the materials I used, feel free to email me at If I don't respond right away, it's because I'm really busy or it got lost in all the emails I receive each day. . .:) Please email me again if I don't respond within 3 days. . .okay.
I decided to create a matching boy version of the box and card. This image is "Billy Rides a Polar Bear". I love that Pink Cat Studio creates matching boy/girl images. It's fun creating boy/girl versions of the same projects!!!
I have a little story about this box. My husband was about to eat his muffin and as soon as I saw it, I grabbed it and asked to borrow it! LOL! I remembered that one of the images to be released was a cupcake image so the muffin inspired me to create this box! LOL! After I was done with the box, I gave the box with the muffin to my husband. He thought it was cute! This box is actually the same box as the tall box but shorter, measuring 3.75 x 6" with a front window. The tutorial I created will show you how to create this cupcake box.
Last but not least. I decided a "Keepsake Box" was an appropriate tribute to little Henry using the Henry image. The box again is the same as the tall box but shorter with a window at the top of the box. The tutorial below will show you how to create this box.
I am deeply saddened for Sarah and her family. The loss of Henry was so sudden and unexpected. At this time, they don't know what caused his death. He had a high fever one day, hospitalized the next day, then passed away the next. It's tragic and very sad. My thoughts and prayers go to Sarah and her family. This is a big reminder that anything else we do in life is small by comparison to spending time with our family.
Sometimes we are consumed by our jobs, our hobbies, and everything else and we neglect the time we should be spending with our love ones. We sort of take our family for granted. When you feel you need to work an extra hour at work so you can make more money or if you feel you just need to work on another project, stop. . . .and maybe reconsider the idea and use that time to just hang out with your family.
Don't forget to stop by the Pink Cat Studio blog and check out all the awesome cards and project the design team created!! Hope you all have a wonderful day!!
Tall Box, Cupcake Box, and Keepsake Box
Thanks for helping promote this. Sarah is a former DT for me and we are all just heartbroken for her.
What a gorgeous way to make a tribute for Henry. As a mom I can't even come close to what Sarah must be feeling right now. This is one gorgeous tribute though. Your work makes me drool! Thanks for the tut and the reminder to keep in touch with the old friends I've been bad about contacting! *shame*
A friend emailed Henry's story earlier this week. Terribly sad.
Maria, all of these are just amazing! Thanks for the tutorial - yours are always the best!
My heart breaks for Sarah and her family, I can't even imagine.
All your projects are wonderful!
Wow, Maria, you were busy this week! I love all your beautiful creations and what a lovely idea to make the giraffe blue!
Beautiful projects & such adorable images!! TFS
Loving your organization blog.
This is just so cute!! I love these boxes you created and it's so perfect for just about anything!! So glad that your hubby loved the box after you made it and added the muffin too!
Jodi =)
Beautiful creations this week Maria. Love all of your boxes!
That is so sad... I'll keep them in my prayers. what a perfect tribute to the little guy! I think the pink cat digi images are my fave! I now own several and bought more!! Love your projects! So very cute!
WOW! You went all out this week! These are amazing! Thanks for creating a template/tutorial for the boxes. Can't wait to try them out! ~Tori
WONDERFUL creations Maria! I love them all, especially the Henry ones! :) Sarah is one of my first internet buddies, and I have some special candy on my blog to hopefully bring a few smiles her way. Would love for you to stop by and take a peek!
Big Hugs~ Kim
What a sweet box, Maria. I am still so sad for the family.
Your other projects are gorgeous too.
Maria you are such an amazing person, how beautiful of you to do this. You never cease to amaze me.
Maria you are such an amazing person, how beautiful of you to do this. You never cease to amaze me.
Beautiful projects...!! I love it!!
xoxo doris
These are so wonderful Maria!!What a wonderful tribute. Your boxes are really awesome!! I love the colors and the tutorial is fabby. Hugs, Cathy
Hai Maria I am a new follower of your blog you make gorgeous things
the boxes are so beautiful !!!
greethings Cora
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