Beautiful RAKs from Beautiful Blog Friends and Video of Taylor Swift "Breathe"
I couldn't find a good Taylor Swift video of the song "Breathe" but I found one that compiled snips of the "Twilight" movie with the song "Breathe" as the background song. Listen to the song. . .it's a beautiful song and it matches the scenes from "Twilight" really nicely. I think part of the clips are also from Kristen Stewart's movie "Speak". . .anybody seen that movie? It's actually a good Indie flick by the way. Sorta depressing but isn't most Indie films depressing? LOL!
Just to let you know, I'm done with all the Twilight books. . .and am moving on to another book. I throughly enjoyed getting lost in the world of the vampires! I'm really looking forward to the movie "New Moon" which will be released in November. Although "New Moon" was my least favorite of all the books. . .I think the movie will skip the boring parts. . . well, I'm hoping they will. Anyway, I have to say reading the books was a fun ride! I recommend them to those who haven't read the books.

Thank you Rita, as always. . .you are such a wonderful blog friend. I appreciate your card. Stop by Rita's blog and say hello!! She has a lot of wonderful stories to tell you. . .I love reading about her and her life as well as see her beautiful work of art!!

Thank you Faith. . .you are such a sweetheart and your card is BEAUTIFUL! I'm so glad to have received a card from you!! Be sure to say hello and check out all of Faith's gorgeous cards on her blog!
Last but not least, look at this wonderful gift that Denise of "Denise Loves Stamps" When I opened the package, I was like "no stinkin' way". . .I received these beautiful earrings that she made. Denise is one talented lady for sure. She not only makes beautiful jewelries, she also makes beautiful gift boxes and cards.

Thank you Denise for being so generous and thinking of me on Easter. My daughter and I are fighting over which earrings we'll have. Because I'm the Queen, I'll take both and my daughter can borrow them! LOL!! Be sure to stop by Denise's blog and check all her wonderful creations!!
Yowzers Ms Bell .. great Raks from great friends...
You are so loved! Can you blame people for wanting to shower you with gifts?! :-)
Your RAKs are very beautiful Maria...TFS!!!
How fun!! What a beautiful haul!
Awesome RAKs, Maria!
That's a great song for the new movie! Perfect fit!
TFS :*)
I love her songs! She writes from the heart! and so much for such a youngster! I love White Horse!
Gorgeous RAK you received! Thank you for sharing the video!
Your so welcome Maria! Love all your RAK's & yes it's been almost 2 years & I'm so fortunate to have you as my friend!
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