Happy Aloha Friday to you all!! In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is a common term that we used to signify the end of the week and to basically remind you to be "laid back" and "relax"!
Well, I made two Aloha Friday cards for all of you and especially to those who commented with their well wishes in regards to my doctor's appointment today.
You're probably wondering "hmmm, Maria what's wrong with you"? I don't want to sound like a drama queen but last week, I had a sudden strange feeling of vibration in my chest (heart) and it really didn't bother me too much intially until it began to occur regularly and began to feel like a "hiccup" inside my chest.

I don't know if you all know but I am an RN so I had a stethoscope and listened to my heart and it sounded terrible with it thudding, skipping, and basically, I had an irregular heart rhythm.
I didn't feel any other symptoms that would prompt me to head to the emergency room but I was starting to FREAK OUT! I did start to notice a funny pattern . . .it would occur when I slouched and would completely disappear when I sat up straight or stood up, it occurs after eating a heavy meal, when I lay down, and typically starts during the afternoon and progress towards the evening. I don't feel it when I'm walking or standing. . .only when I sat down and more prominently when I slouched.
Unfortunately, when I sat in front of the computer, as well as when I craft I have a tendency to slouch. This made it very difficult to blog, answer my email and craft.
I mean I would feel like I was about to have a heart attack or something. Obviously, I avoided sitting down in front of my computer and crafting because my heart would skip, thud, and go weird on me.

After doing some research, I thought maybe I had "atrial fibrillation" which although not life threatening, it can lead to a stroke or heart attack. It's one of the main cause of a stroke in men and especially women. Heart disease in women although not as
prevalent as men, the mortality rate is higher for women meaning if a woman has heart disease, the higher the risk of death.
Knowing this, I was beginning to feel a bit scared and really been thinking of the possibility that something bad may be happening to me.
Well, I went to the doctor today and had an ECG (EKG) and yes, there is definitely something going on with my heart.
Whaaaaaaaaa!! The good news is that it may not be "atrial fibrillation" but the doctor was not sure. She only stated that there is definitely a "electrical conduction" problem that actually caused my heart to prolong a beat (skip a beat) as opposed to increasing my rate. The ECG
technician didn't even run the machine for more than 15 seconds before he stopped and informed the doctor. I guess I had a bad reading from the get go. The doctor then came in and told me the results and that I need to be referred to a cardiologist.

What is difficult for me is that I am quite healthy in all respects. I rarely get sick . . .only this year I had more colds than I've had in the past but otherwise, I have no history of diabetes, I'm just slightly over weight, no respiratory problems, I don't drink, I don't do drugs, and I basically live a relatively healthy life. It's a bit disturbing and
devastating that I do have a problem with my heart. I'm a little sad about it.
Right now I just want the doctor to fix my heart. . .my doctor said it could be caused by a "mitral valve prolapse" or some other cause. I hope it's nothing worse. .. you know, I just want to know what is wrong and fix it as soon as possible so I can get on with my life.
Anyway, that's my story. I'm
optimistic that it's nothing really bad but I'll find out on Tuesday next week after I see the cardiologist.
Before I go. . .here are a few info on my cards above:
Stamps: SU Do The Hula
Paper: Pretty in Pink, Purely Pomegranate, Wild Wasabi
Ink: Watercoloring with SU Markers, White Craft Ink, Purely Pomegranate, Wild Wasabi
Accessories: Fiskar scallop scissors, corner punch, Prima flowers, CTMH Bigger brads, Making Memories daisy brads, Prima Flowers, Inkadinkado Glossy Essentials, Grosgrain ribbon
Happy Friday, Everyone!! Until later. . .
Thank you for sharing what's going on with you right now. I hope you get the answers you need next week. I am sending out positive vibes for ya!!
Love the cards! :0)
Oh gosh! I am sending hugs and prayers for some answers and a quick and full recovery!
Good luck Maria, you will be in my thoughts & prayers. They will find the answers to your problem & will help get you well again. Thanks for sharing this with us...we do care about you sweetie! (((Hugs)))
Luv ya
I understand your worry and wanting to know exactly what is causing your heart problems. It is definitely something to see a Cardiologist about. I think until you see the doctor you should try and stay calm and try not to worry. I know it's hard.
We've been going through heart problems with my 8 year old too. The ECG showed nothing and the other tests that the Pediatric Cardiologist ran showed nothing abnormal. Her heart "hurts" as she says. Sometimes her pulse races too. It always worries me. So I do totally understand where you are coming from. I hope that you can see the Dr. soon!! Keep us posted!
Your cards are really nice too...love that Hawaiian girl!!
Wow Maria, that sounds like it actually could be pretty serious. I am glad that you got it checked out right away.
Thanks for sharing your story with us, because I know I think that the only reason I have any health problems is because I am overweight. It's good to know that there may be other reasons too.
Good luck with your test next week, and I hope that you will keep us updated with the results.
Just wanted to wish you good luck at the docs on Tuesday Maria. I happy you discovered a problem and sought out help early hopefully he will have some easy fix answers on Tuesday for you.
Hugs to you
Hi- Thanks for keeping us posted on your heart condition. Good thing you had the feeling something was wrong! Please keep us posted on further doctor appts. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers! Kay M.
You'll be in my thoughts and prayers, Maria.
Hi Maria, Thanks for letting us know of your heart problem. I pray it is nothing serious and you will get a good report from the cardiologist on Tuesday. Keep us posted. Keeping you in my prayers.
JoAnn B. iluvscrapping@iwon.com
Hello Maria - I do hope your problems are sorted very soon. You are a very inspiring person in many ways and I was giving you an award this morning anyway but having read your blog entry, I think that you are doubly worthy of it. You will find it on my blog
Ann x
Aloha Maria. I do hope you are by now feeling a little better and getting an answer to your problems. Take care and get some rest, and maybe when you feel able you will pop over and do one of my challenges.
I love Hawaii and the islands - so rest and get well.
Love Cynthia x
It's unfortunate Maria, that you know what you do about health issues, from your nursing experiences. That in itself, can cause you to worry more. But, you were smart enough not to ignore the symptoms and with all of the medical advancements of today, I am sure the Doctors will be able to "fix you up and make you all better again"! We will all be thinking about you.
These cards are so pretty!! I totally want to CASE them, but not yet, KWIM? Will have to save these for "Later To Try Out".
I am so sad and worried to hear about your health situation right now. If you were here in Hawaii, I would definitely be over your house hanging out with you and trying to get your mind off of things....
Plenty of Hugs, Aloha and Blessings,
Maria, Wow how scary. I am glad you went to the doctor. Women so often ignore symtoms such as yours. I will keep you in my prayers and hope that the doctors are able to resolve this for you quickly and easily.
Thanks for letting us know Maria!!
I hope your results are good next week,I'll keep you in my prayers.
I know what you mean when you say it's devastating to get something like this when you don't drink,do drugs and in good shape. I too was dx with a liver disease in 2001 and didn't do any of those things either. Funny how life goes sometimes. All we can do is take it one day at a time and think positive!! Wishing you all the best Maria!!! Hugs xo
I hope all goes well at the cardio. dr. I will keep you in my prayers. Everyone hates to go to the drs. but its great that you went and had it checked out. Your cards are amazing today as always, makes me want to take a trip to the islands. Take Care!!
Bev (Rette Mom)
These cards are fabulous! Love them!! I'm sure everything will be ok and they'll get you all fixed up! You're in my prayers,
What a scary thing you have been going through. I hope you get to the bottom of it soon.
Your card is adorable. Love those colours.
Maria, I wish you all the best of luck. I'm positive that the doctors will do what is in your best interests. With technology the way it is today don't worry too much ~ I'm sure you'll be fine. Keep your positive attitude!
I will be keeping you in my thoughts.
Sorry to hear about your heart problems. Hopefully it will be something that is easily treated. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
I will be keeping you in my prayers dear friend. I hope they are able to sort it out for you quickly. I'm glad you went straight to the doctors and didn't drag things out hoping it would go away like half my family does. Thinking of you.
Hugs to you, and sending calming healing thoughts your way.
I'll keep you in my prayers.
Oh Maria I do hope they find out the problem and can correct it. The worst part is waiting, especially for 5 days
aka TA
I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers Maria.
Thanks so much for sharing this with all of us..try not to Worry...Take Care!!...Hugs, Ila
Gosh I almost forgot.....Both of these cards are Absolutley Beautiful! And made for all of us...What a lovely thought! although I am a little late...Happy Aloha Friday!! to you too..Maria :)
Hi Maria,
I'm so sorry to hear that you're not feeling well. It sounds like no fun at all. I'm a sloucher at the computer too. Funny how we never realize what little things we'll miss doing when we're ill. I think I know exactly how you feel about waiting for results and trying to be optimistic; I've been in and out of different specialists' offices all month...Ugh, hey? Hang in there; I'll be thinkin of ya! Take care o' You! ((hugs)) mel
Maria, good for you for addressing your heart issue and not putting it off. I'm sending positive thoughts and prayers your way that it is nothing serious.
Super cards!
Good luck with your cardio appointment.
{sending good luck vibes your way for your appointment}
I just cruized in from the split coast bloggers site and fell in love with your hula girl :) Thanks for being a new inspriation to me! I look forward for more to come!
p.s. I'm originally fr Ewa Beach so we're neigbors! lol
Hey Maria!
I love both of your hula girl cards! The colors and the image are beautiful!!
I also want you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers Maria. Thank you for sharing this information with us. Try not to worry and I'm sure everything will be alright.
Thinking of you Maria....keep us posted!! Take care.
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