Whoohoo! Take a look at what I won from Elena of "
Redhaired Girl" Elena is seriously talented in different areas of crafting including sewing. Check out the witch boot she sewed. I have a sewing machine and would LOVE to make something like it. She sews bags, create cards, and other projects. . .she is mult-talented. Go check out her blog site to see all the cool stuff she makes!!

Here are the other fun prize I won from Elena's blog candy. . .a bunch of stamps, a mini album and candy! YUM!!
I was thrilled to win her blog candy! I rarely if ever, win anything especially with blog candies. I think I've only won one other time. . .so when I won, well I was really happy.
Thank you Elena for offering such a fabulous blog candy prize. I love especially the fact that the prize included a project that was created by you!
wow, love that stocking.
Congrats on the wun.
Off to check out her blog.
Happy Monday
oops that was suposed to be on your win.
Can't spell today
Maria, I am glad you received the package! Very happy that you liked it! Thank you for making a post and very kind words about me. You made me blush... Thank you very MUCH!!!
Fabulous prizes !
Gorgeous stocking! Congrats on your win Maria! Elena is awesome, she's so creative & sweet!
Congratulations on the blog candy! The stocking is awesome!
Congrats :) Cool boot!
Congratulations Maria!
Your blog candy winnings are terrific and I LOVE that boot!!!
Cute! What fun mail to get!
oh you lucky duck!!! that boot looks amazing - what a great idea! enjoy your prizes - can't wait to see waht you create!!
Congrats Maria! That boot rocks!!!
Wow, how cool! Congrats!
OHHH that is sooo fun! I love it :) I would put that on my door :) Congrats love!
Whooo Maria, well done to you for winning and what great prizes!!!
Ah your the Maria that won Elena's blog candy...Way to Go. I love that Witches Boot. She is such a sweet person. I'm happy for you winning the blog candy.
NO way!!! Congrats! That Elena is one amazing crafty woman--just like you, so it's perfect that you won this awesome AWEsome loot. What a brilliant boot design hey? And I can't wait to see the gorgeous creations you make with those yummy lookin' stamps! :O)
I love the witch stocking. What a great idea.
What a neat stocking!!!! Congratulations (:
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