Monday, June 9, 2008

Blog Break - I'll be back at the end of the week!!

Hi Everyone! I need to take a break. I'm in the middle of a big mess in my garage! I decided to start up the clean up process on Saturday and well, it's like a tornado went through my garage and threw everything all over the place. I guess before it can get clean, it needs to get ugly first and I mean, ugly. I've opened up every container and spread everthing all over the place. Wow! It's scary.

Yesterday I worked on the Christmas stuff and so far I've counted 12 containers, 4 of which are the huge containers. When we moved from Hawaii to California, we sold at least half of our Christmas stuff. . . so why do we still have so many Christmas stuff? It's NUTS!

Anyway, I can't stand the garage looking the way it is. . .the faster I clean it up, the better I'll feel. I need to take a break this week to concentrate on the garage. Besides, my body ache so bad right now. . .I am in no mood to craft! I've used muscles I haven't used in years. I guess that's the price I have to pay for accumulating so much junk!

When I'm completely done, I'll take a picture of the garage. Maybe if I'll even take a "before" picture. . . .we'll see.

Hope y'all have a wonderful week!!

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Diane said...

Oh that's no fun...but I know it needs to be done!!! Don't work too hard and work safely,don't lift anything too heavy,you know all that anyways,why am I telling you all that,lol!
Have fun cleaning and we'll see you when you come back!!!

Sankari W. said...

Have fun cleaning Maria! It really does get ugly before it gets better - you are going to feel so good at how clean it will be soon. We will miss seeing your inspirational work - but we'll all be here when you are done :) thanks for your message - my dad is still in ICU for 2 days and then hopefully by Fri. will be home. Its always so nice to come on your site and get a relief from the anxiety of the day. WIshing you sunshine and happiness, Sankari :)

Gabby said...

OH NO...NO FUN!!! Good luck at it! I need to clean out my garage as well cause I probably have a garage of rats and bats, and maybe even mountain lions living in there Hugs and sending you good vibes!

BTW girl! I just tagged you! :D Go check out the deets on my blog!

mel m. m. mccarthy said...

Have a good break. Don't work TOO hard on that garage ;0)

Monika/Buzsy said...

Have fun! You are sooo good... I am not very good at cleaning and sorting things out...
I have just tagged you so check it out on my blog when you have a chance.

Dawn Easton said...

Hey Maria, I was coming here to appologize for not stopping by all week...whew...glad I didn't miss anything...Hope the garage clean up is going well. Maybe I should do the same...except it is my baseDUMP that needs purging...haha!

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