Handmade with Very Little Love Card
Hi Everyone! Why is this card made with very little love? Well, last night after dinner I decided to watch a little television. . .I had a lot of things I needed to do before I went to bed but decided to take a little break and watch TV.
Well. . .I zonked out, totally crashed out! I didn't even know I fell asleep. At about midnight, I suddenly woke up and realized I was still downstairs in the family room with the TV on and all the lights on. Sheesh, no one even got me up.
As I was walking up the stairs to my room . . .half asleep. . .I noticed that my daughter's light was still on and "ding, ding, ding". . .something went off in my head. I had promised to make a card for my daughter's Key Club advisor and it was suppose to have been completed today!! Well, I forgot to make it and it was already midnight. Okay, I was in no mood to make a card. All I wanted to do was go to bed!!
So. . .I reluctantly walked to her room and she was still doing her homework. Poor girl, she's always up sometimes past midnight finishing her homework. I never stayed up that late when I was in high school.
Anyway, I told my daughter "I'm sorry but I didn't make the card" and she's like "Mom, you promised". . .I'm like "I know but I forgot and well, it's 12:15. . .do you REALLY need it by Wednesday?"
She responded, "YEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS!!" Okay, imagine a teenager saying it. I'm like "geez, can't we just BUY him a card?" She was not happy about that. . .she's like "I already told all the members that you were going to make the card and that they were going to sign it TOMORROW!

I made the card half asleep, dying to finish it. Luckily, it was a quick card - I finished within half an hour. Unfortunately, .this card was made with resentment and frustration! Not at all made with love!! LOL!!
In the end I was happy I made it because well, my daughter was really proud of it. She really liked it and happy to give it to him! Besides, her advisor volunteers twice a week and gives up his lunch break from his job to attend the Key Club meetings. He does deserve a handmade card.
Anyway, that's my story for the day!! Hope you all have a wonderful day!
Love the layout, great card, the stars are fantastic.
I think you deserve the mom of the year award! How sweet of you to make your daughter a card, when it would have been much easier to just pick one up at the store. I'm sure she appreciates it. It really did come out nice! Love the stars and swirls! You rock, Maria!
Great job, Maria! I am sure that he will love it and appreciate it. :0)
Great job on a throw together card! I know he'll really appreciate it! Maybe your daughter will have to learn your art of cardmaking like mine, it's soooo much FUN to share our ideas!
What a great mom you are! And the card is just beautiful! I am sure he really appreciated it. Hope you get more sleep soon :)
Even if you made it in anger, it sure doesn't show it! It's wonderful! The shades of blue are fantastic!
Wow, that is a pretty impressive card to make when all you want to do is go to bed! What a great mom you are! TFS
((((Maria)))) that was super sweet of you! Reading your story made me thankful for what we do...it's stories like that, that make you feel like you are the best Mom! Your card turned out GREAT even if it wasn't made with love ;) Only you know how you were feeling...lol
Love the card Maria AND the story. I was making a card yesterday & feeling lousy grumbling and mumbling. I was thinking about whether anyone could tell how miserable I was when I made it in the end, lol. They'll never know, and we aren't cardmaking machines, right? ;0)
Poor you maria , I hope you could sleep after that, I never can if I wake up in the middle of the night
Poor you maria , I hope you could sleep after that, I never can if I wake up in the middle of the night
LOL!!! Love your story... you did great for a non-loved card, I LOVE it!!
What a trooper you are!
Don't ya just hate it when you are ready to climb into bed and remember you have to do something? Ugh.
This is such a great masculine card, and can easily be tranformed for Independence Day. Love it!
Ugh! The things we do for our kids sometimes! Looks like all turned out well. This is a great masculine card and it's so nice to hear your daughter was pleased with it.
See Maria that one of the many reasons that YOU are a GREAT MOM!!! The things we do for our children and staying up really late is usually one of them - You are DYNAMITE and I agree with your daughter he does deserve a MARIA ORIGINAL and you gave the KEY Club that in that late thirty minutes (hopefully you did get to bed by 1 AM). YOU GO GIRL - Rock it your way!!!
Its how store bought isn't good enough anymore. Everyone knows where my box of handmade cards are.. even my kinds that don't live at home. They come over and grab a stack as they walk out the door . This turned out great!
You are funny Maria and the card is beautiful!! I love the stars and the different shades of blue.
Love those boxes & purses, their awesome! You worked hard girl! Regarding the card I loved your story & well sometimes those are the cards that we love the most yes? Simple with great clean lines!
Your boxes and purses look great and you did a fantastic job on that card, even if it was past midnight. : )
AWWWW! Your such a good Mom! Even though it wasn't made out of love (which really it was, because if you didn't love your daughter so much, you wouldn't have made it in the first place, right?!)its a great card.
LOL Maria! You sound so much like me! I would have done the same thing! Grumbling the whole time, but then so happy that my kid was happy! Nice job despite the hour! : )
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