Crazy 4 Challenges - C4C85
Hello Friends! Did you all watch William & Kate's wedding? I recorded it but haven't had a chance to watch it but I've seen snippets of the wedding. We went on a trip to Europe during the winter of 2009 and was able to visit Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey so it's really nice to be able to say that I've been there. . .I wish I knew they were going to get married, I may have waited to visit England this year instead. . .oh well.
Hey. . .it's Crazy 4 Challenges time again! And this week Silke came up with a "challenging" challenge but not too challenging. The challenge is a recipe challenge: 3 different designer paper, 2 flowers, and a button!
Stop by C4C and check out all the beautiful cards the crazy gals created or stop by their individual blogs:
* Frances Byrne
* Jessie Rone
* Joanne Grzelak
* Joycelyn Pelkey
Lynda Benden
*Silke Ledlow
* Silke Kittmann
* Tammy Hershberger
Vicki Garrett

I'm again using my Unity Stamps. . .I have a ton of their stamps and I love all of them! I've only recently been using them despite purchasing their Kit of the Month for over a year. I know. . .it's sort of crazy to purchase stamps and never use them. I just can't keep up with my purchases! LOL!

The 2 best things I've done in regards to crafting were to learn how to sew which I started in January of this year and I've sewn several bags and various projects since. . .and the second thing is that I learned how to crochet. I've started crocheting some time in August of last year! Crochet I feel is a real skill. . .sewing is more the ability to follow directions. I'm so glad I took the time to learn how to crochet because I'm able to make my own crochet flowers among other things but I like the fact that I can whip up a crochet flower whenever I need it and not have to buy it! I save a lot of money that way! Crocheting takes a bit of practice but once you've got the basic stitches down pat, you can create a lot of different projects! I'm learning to knit right now but I haven't had the chance to really sit down and work on a project. I'm still busy learning how to sew which, honestly, isn't too hard. I think crocheting is a more difficult craft to learn and knitting much harder. You should try to learn new crafts. . .it's really fun to learn something new. I would love to learn how to use resin so I can create pendants for my jewelry projects. I think that will be my next craft that I want to try to learn!

Anyway. . .I guess that's it for today. There isn't much about my card to talk about. . .:)
Hope you all have a wonderful Saturday!