Christmas Card and Frente Video
Hi Everyone!! My music video for today is a song by Frente . . .a remake of New Orders "Bizarre Love Triangle". Gosh. . .when I was in my 20s, I would listen to this song over and over, whether it was the New Order"s version or Frente's. This song brings back memories. . .when I listen to it, it gives me a weird, sort of sad feeling. Not sure why. It's just one of those things. No, I did not have a "bizarre love triangle"! LOL! The song actually brings back memories of a really fun period in my life. I miss those days. . .not that I'm not having any fun now but it was a different sort of fun. . .if you know what I mean.
Not to change the subject but I'm currently reading Obama's book "Dreams from My Father". He is currently the object of my fascination. LOL!! I have to admit, he intrigued me not because he was a politician or even the President but because he was born and raised in Hawaii. I'm interested in his life experience being born and raised in a state that is culturally diverse. I'm on chapter 5 right now of the book so my interpretations and opinions of his views may change as I read on.
Interestingly, here is what I've gathered so far. . .mind you, it's my own interpretation and not explicitly written in the book. When it came to racism, it seems that he really didn't recognize or understand that there were any until he developed a friendship with an African American who was not born or raised in Hawaii. What initially to Obama were simple rejection or indifference from people he interacted with, took on a new light when his African American friend began pointing out that they were not simple at all but instead interpreted as discrimination and prejudicism. It was interesting. . .because Obama was not exposed to the racism experienced in the mainland, therefore, didn't quite understand what it was in terms of his own childhood experiences as an African American.
Because the population in Hawaii is multi-cultured, very interracial, racism is minimal or very subtle that it's difficult to interpret it as such. If there are any, the difference is the people in Hawaii tend to overlook it and get past it. We tend to take pride in our multi-cultural diversity and inter racialism is actually encouraged and accepted. I find it quite interesting that there's a huge significance in Obama being the first black president. Does it really matter? I mean, I don't really care if he's the first black president. . .I care more that he is a very intelligent man, well educated, and will do a good job as our President. Isn't that what counts?
The part that really bothered me about the election was that people were surprised that an African American would even run for president. I find that very strange. . .I mean, why not? If he ran for president and he had no education, no political experience whatsoever. . .then I would be surprised but he is none of that so what's the big deal? I guess it's because I don't understand racism myself and have never been exposed to it or have never interpreted my social interactions as such . . .considering I'm Asian, I assume there are racism involved in my day to day life. Maybe I have blinders on because I've lived in Hawaii. . .I guess that's a good thing, huh! Without the blinders, I would probably feel oppressed and would not be a happy camper! My views of life would probably be quite different.
I do want to add, that although racism is not prominent in Hawaii, we are very ethnocentric as a whole. I'll discuss the ethnocentricity (not to be confused with racism) that exist in Hawaii in my next post.
Anyway. . .here is a card I made yesterday. I decided that I'll line the inside of my card and stamp the sentiment on the inside rather than on the front of the card which I don't typically do! Yay! Something different . . .well, for me, that is. How about doing something different today! Do something different to your card that you don't typically do. It's sort of fun!

I again added SU Crystal Effects to parts of the image. To create the dots, I used the Sakura Souffle Pen. That's about it.
Card Details:
Stamps: Feathered Hope
Paper: DCWV Christmas Stack, SU Close to Cocoa, Real Red, Certainly Celery,
Inks: Close to Cocoa, Copic Markers, Sakura Souffle Gel Pen
Accessories: Marvy 2.5" punch, 3" Scallop Punch, Organdy Ribbon, Fiskar Border Punch

Beautiful as always! I especially like the detail on the inside.
I got my Kit yesterday! Can't wait to play! Your work never ceases to amaze me! Such beautiful cards and all the work that must go into coming up with the ideas, creating, and then assembling the kits! You are Super Crafty Woman! LOL.
Hey Maria,
Good Morning!! This is a very pretty card. It looks so pretty with all that red. I know what you mean about songs that bring back sad strange feelings - I used to get the same eerie feelings during that song by Pat Benatar "Hurts So Bad"... I still can't listen to that song, it just gives me a weird weird feeling.
Obama's book sounds interesting. I may have to pick it up too. Being brought up in Hawaii, there is no room for racism. We were always taught that the people around us are "aunty" "uncle" "nana" or "tata" - we all treated each other like "family" - right?! So, I am sure it is not a surprise how Obama never thought of it as racism. Especially because his own family was a mixture of culture as well. That just goes to show how the environment that you are in really has an impact on a person's outlook right?
Have a wonderful Friday!!!
Hey, awesome card and thanks for the hapa info. That's so interesting! You know, sometimes when I fill out a race survey for her, I have no option, a Eurasian would have been nice :)
Well, I'll have to check out the book. I wonder if the library here has it.
I got a taste of racism when I was in Indonesia. I was five. I'm half Chinese-Indonesian and my Chinese family is Catholic/Christian and somehow my classmates in kindergarten found out... I think it was because I didn't know how to do the Muslim prayer and they probably told their parents and their parents said something to them... but anyhow, they'd gang up on me almost weekly and they'd kick or pinch me. It was rough and I was soooo happy when my parents moved us to the U.S and I actually had friend.... I think I'd just be happy if my parents moved me to a different school then. When we moved to Indonesia again I was glad that they kept putting me in Catholic schools where most are mutts like me or Chinese - I was super super scared. So since then I've always been a bit paranoid when I'm around the non-mixed Indonesians. Most have been nice but on some rare occassions I'd hear a little racist remark and that's when I know not to say anything about my heritage. Looking Indonesian does have its advantages.
I hope M would never experience anything like I did. Kids shouldn't be mean that way.
Luv your card Maria & thanks for the tip on putting the DP lining inside the card!
Obama's book sounds interesting, I'll have to pick it up. The first time I saw racism was when I visited my sister in Virgina & I was amazed & sadened that black people had to walk on one side of the street & had water bubblers just for blacks & they could not go into the resturants with us or they would be kicked out. I was 14 at the time & I was not brought up that way living in New England, I just couldn't believe it!
Oh my how stunning Maria!!! It shows how much you love making cards! All the details you put into them is wonderful! Very lovely!
Beautiful card! Love the inside!!! Your coloring is amazing! I love the border edge you created!
Thank you for the song!
Stunning! I love the colour. That little bird is so sweet. I love reading what you think about the election and racism and ethnocentrism etc... in Hawaii or elsewhere. SO though-provoking. I couldn't agree with you more about the hype with the election. I think it is a milestone worth celebrating, but I enjoyed listening to the man himself speak over a lot of the analysts who seemed to miss the point. His stand on the environment was fascinating and he's such an eloquent speaker. Can't wait to see some change. Hope you are having a great weekend and thanks for the fab inspiration on so many levels! hugs, :O) mel
This card is so beautiful! THe colors are amazing. Thanks for posting it!
Good Morning Maria,
I've been MIA for a few days and now I'm playing catch up.
Your points are very interesting and I find President Obama to be a very interesting person also. Speaking of racism, I think I became aware that there was a difference when I was about 7 yrs. old. I was called the "N" word and at that time I didn't know what it meant. However, the young boy who delivered that racial slur had such a snarl on his face when he spat that word, I knew that the "N" word had to be something bad. When I arrived home, I told my mom and after we had a talk, I became aware of racial difference and ignorance of some people.
Well enough blabbing for me....and thank you for the lovely song:)
Maria, You were lucky to be raised in Hawaii where there is little racism. I'm older than you was around when JFK, MLK and RFK were assassinated. Since I live in the northern part of the US, I didn't really understand the racism either but when you read and hear all that some people went through and sacrificed to get more equality (women went through similar things to get rights), it makes you very proud to see that we are able to elect a black President. I'm white but see no difference between the colors. It's more to do with culture, the environment and education than it does anything else. Looks like I'll have to get Obama's book. The more I hear about him, the more I like him and his wife.
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